

Installing Hard Disk Drive and Optical Drive

Installing Hard Disk Drive and Optical Drive

Installing HDD and Optical Drive
The image above shows the two types of Internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD): SATA and PATA
1.       Note: If you will attach two drives on one IDE rhythm cable, make sure that the hard drive which contains the operating system should be set as master in its jumper setting shown above. Power plug for hard drive is inserted in one way
2.       Plug the power pins tightly. 
3.       In attaching the IDE rhythm cable, keep in mind that pin 1 of hard drive should be inserted in hole 1 of the IDE cable.
4.       Attach the IDE thythm cable tightly by pushing it with your tomb finger.
5.       The orientation of IDE rhythm cable and power pins in hard drive is also the same in optical drives. Just see to it that the jumper setting for optical drive is set to slave.

Remove the panel from the front of the 5 1/4" drive bay. This could be done by reaching inside and unclipping the side. 
Slide the optical drive into the bay. Its front must even with the front of the case. Secure the drive using fine threaded screws. 2 screws for each side
6.       Connect the IDE rhythm cable to the IDE controller of the optical drive. Make sure that pin 1 of IDE rhythm cable should be inserted on pin 1 of optical drive.
7.       Push the IDE rhythm cable with your tomb so it will be securely connected.
8.       Plug the power connector in the power support of the drive.
9.       Make sure it is securely plug.
10.   Locate the area that the drive needs to be inserted. Unpack the drive and holding it by its sides, insert it into the drive bay with the rear side (the one with the connectors) facing the motherboard. If your case has side facing drive bays, look into your case's manual to see which direction to insert your drives.
11.   Connect the IDE rhythm cable. Make sure you connect pin 1 to hole 1 of IDE cable.
12.Connect the four pins power connector to the hard drive. Line up 4 of the holes in the side of the hard drive with those on the case and secure them with the large threaded screws.
13.   Your drives setup might be like this shown above. The hard drive is set as master, and optical drive is set to slave using a single IDE rhythm cable.
14.   Attach the IDE rhythm cable in motherboard IDE controller. Push it with your tomb to tighten.
15.   Note: Make sure that pin 1 of IDE controller should be inserted in hole 1 of the IDE rhythm cable. Some cable have notch, which you could use as guide in attaching IDE cable in motherboard IDE controller.
16.   Make sure that you could identify IDE controller for floppy drive, Optical drive and hard drive and IDE pin 1.

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