

How to LINK data from one Google Sheet Workbook to another Google Sheet Workbook.

 How to LINK data from one Google Sheet Workbook to another Google Sheet Workbook. 

1. Open the Google Sheet Workbook, in this example, A Google Sheet Workbook of my school forms name as "School Forms and Grades TEMPLATE"



2. Make a copy of these two Wotkbook and save it on your own Google Drive Folder. I suggest that you use Google Shared Drive instead of Google Drive. 

3. In School Forms and Grades TEMPLATE, Go to worksheet SF1 and start typing your students LRN in column B and NAMES in column C

4. Here, I want to import the LRN and NAMES located in column B and C of my Worksheet named "SF1". to other Google Sheet Workbook, in this example the Electronic Class Record renamed as "G11_1STSEM_SUBJ1"

5. Copy the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the School Forms and Grades TEMPLATE where the SF1 Worksheet is included.

6. You need to take also the Worksheet Name which in this case is SF1 and the Cell Range where the Data (LRN and Names) is located. 

6. In the ECR Worksheet, create a worksheet and name it as VARIABLES. Paste the URL of the School Forms and Grades TEMPLATE and put it inside the double quotation mark. (""). Here we put it on cell B2.

7. Now create another worksheet and name it as INPUT DATA and create the formula as shown below. Type it on the first number for your student. Make sure that the column and rows in School Forms and Grades TEMPLATE will match with your columns and rows here. 

The IMPORTRANGE formula is use to import a range of cells from a specified spreadsheet.

The formula is IMPORTRANGE("URL of the GOOGLE SHEET WORKBOOK","Worksheet Name!Cell Range")

In this example, our Spreadsheet URL is already defined in Cell B2 of the VARIABLES worksheet. 

The Worksheet name is SF1 

The Cell Range where our Data is located is B10:C49